Aug 31, 2024 request from "Middletown for Clean Energy" to include in the “Green Building and Environmental Sustainability” of the 2024 revision of the Middletown Master Plan (submitted in phase 2 public review of Master Plan updates)
A clean energy plan is needed in Middletown’s Green Building and Sustainability Element.
Sustainable Jersey has multiple programs to assist a Green Team in a city like Middletown.
See 2020 public data on Middletown’s total annual GHG emissions.  Source is Sustainable Jersey:
Community-Scale Greenhouse Gas (GHG) yearly  Emissions – Metric Ton Carbon Dioxide Equivalent (MTCO2e)
Middletown largest GHG:  Res. Electricity   Commercial Electric;   Res. Methane gas; On-Road Vehicles ; TOTAL (MTCO2e)
                                                       59,498                61,583;                        116,425                       257,881                    538,250

Electricity GHG emissions can be quickly and greatly reduced (and money saved) by installing solar or subscribing to “Community Solar”
We applaud Middletown’s proposed Master Plan to achieve zero emission Middletown-owned vehicles, and other similar small initiatives.  However, these are tiny, compared to the massive, required reduction in Middletown total GHG.

Earlier requests by Middletown for Clean Energy:
Adoption of 100% Clean Energy by 2050 (100% Clean Electricity by 2030) was requested by nearly 300 Middletown residents in the April 15, 2019 letter delivered to the Middletown Committee with a large number of signers  in attendance.
(signed letters are on a CD provided at the Committee meeting)
Middletown for Clean Energy subsequently asked Middletown to adopt a specific Energy Plan for Middletown to begin to achieve its clean energy goal:
This August 8, 2020 “Energy Plan” updates the August, 2010 “An Energy Plan for Middletown Township, New Jersey” from Rutgers (issued in partnership with 5 public institutions)

INTERMEDIATE GOALS: numerous reports and goals have been provided by various International, national, multi-state alliances, and New Jersey agencies; eg, 400K NJ residences electrified with heat pumps for space and water heating by 2030. 
Both Mayor Perry and Administrator Mercantante stated in a public (recorded) Middletown Committee meeting that a Middletown Energy Plan would be included in some form in the Master Plan update.
Middletown residents have yet to see Middletown’s response to their request to create an energy plan to begin Middletown’s movement to reach netzero Green House Gas emissions by 2050, and to establish intermediate goals.

A cost-effective beginning to align the Middletown Master Plan with the 2019 NJ Energy Master Plan (and align with the forthcoming 2024 NJ Energy Master Plan) is the Sustainable Jersey/BPU $10K grant for an initial Community Energy Plan, and the $250K Community Energy Plan Implementation Grant to implement the Energy Plan.

Submitted August 31, 2024 by Pat and Steve Miller, representing “Middletown for Clean Energy”.

 COMMENTS ON THE DRAFT “Utilities” section of the draft Master Plan revision
--------  Following comments on Master Plan “Utilities” is more a “heads up”.
            We suggest that Middletown be proactive and keep ahead of future concerns by residents/businesses.
            The following are foreseeable concerns during the lifetime of this current Master Plan Revision:

Middletown should:
  - ensure JCPL has plans in place to supply  dramatic increases in consumption expected to be very noticeable in 2030, and double or higher by 2050
  - ensure NJNG has plans in place to handle the dramatic decrease in methane gas consumption expected  to be very noticeable by 2030
  - ensure that Middletown residents are not "stuck" with methane gas which will have a dramatic increase in tariffs when the 75 year amortization of
    $billions of  capital expense is amortized to 20 + years